Erika Carter
Real Estate Broker
Newman Realty
650 W.Lake St #230
Chicago,IL 60661
Facebook: Erika773Realtor
Twitter: @firsthomechi

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sears on 79th St: The rise and fall of an Icon

                                                  Sears on 79th St: The rise and fall of an Icon.

On November 2, 1925, Sears Roebuck & Company was opened at 1334 E. 79th St.(Kenwood Ave) Chicago, IL, which boasted 127,000 square feet of retail space.  This store was one of the main retail fixtures in the Chatham/Avalon Park/South east areas.  After 88 years of continual good service, with the decline of sales since 2009, the store has officially closed its doors forever. 

With the loss of 40 full time and 80 part time jobs, many wonder what’s to become of the space? Whatever it is, it will not replace the countless memories that Sears offered: The memories of Back-to-School shopping, walking around with grandparents to pay their charge cards, or even memories of when Sears sold food in the back of the Electronics dept!!!  Too often we see a good thing gone!

Check out the article below on planned use for the space:

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