Erika Carter
Real Estate Broker
Newman Realty
650 W.Lake St #230
Chicago,IL 60661
Facebook: Erika773Realtor
Twitter: @firsthomechi

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chicago Citizen’s Police Academy (CCPA): Day 1

The Chicago Citizen’s Police Academy (CCPA) is a 9 week, 31.5 hr. course designed to increase the lines of communication and awareness between the community and the Chicago Police Department (CPD).  Our first meeting consisted of 20-25 citizens, 5 visiting officers from California, and the CPD officers heading the course.

During this time, we discussed course outlines that will include CPD protocol and procedures, canine and mounted police demonstrations, handcuffing/searching, use of force, troubled buildings (yayyyy!!!), crisis intervention, and many other daily tasks of the CPD.  Did you know there are roughly 5 million people in the city, M-F, but only 2200 officer deployed per shift?

The main discussion of the night was about CPD’s Procedural Justice and Legitimacy course, which all officers had to receive training on. This focused on how protocol is to treat everyone with respect, care, and as a human being in an effort to increase positive outcomes, especially with traffic stops.  The instructors stressed the importance of “it’s not what you say, but how you say it and not what you do, but how you do it” approach.

Another goal of the CCPA, is for the citizens to take initiative and become ambassadors in their communities, by sharing our behind the scenes knowledge of CPD to increase positive outcomes when interacting!  More to come next week for Day 2!!!!!
Have a great week everyone!

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